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THC: the legal amount has now been risen to 0.3%

Apr 23, 2021 | News

As we know, the 23rd October the sale of Light Cannabis has become officially legal. In addition, the legal amount of THC in Light Cannabis was raisen to 0,3%.

increased THC: what does it mean?

European community THC increased percentage

Over the last few months the European Community has raisen the legal percentage of THC in Light Cannabis: a controversial issue that sparked many debates and can now be considered resolved.

The increase of THC will positevely affect the European agriculture: the industry, the market and the widened selection of Legal Cannabis seeds will allow growers to expand their trade with more Light Cannabis strains.

Thanks to the increased legal percentage of THC in Light Cannabis, the growers will now have the chance to cultivate more and boost their business Light Cannabis will amplify the sales and require more workforce.

Increased THC: when will the new measure become effective?

The new measure indicating the rise of THC level, will become effective from 2023 to 2027 with the new PAC (European agricultural policy): a few years from now Europe will overcome the gap with the non-European competitors!

Which countries already benefited from this advantage?

China, USA, Australia, Canada and Switzerland, already were allowed to grow Light Cannabis with a THC percentage between 0,3% and 0,1%.

A huge limit for the european countries that would suffer from this “unfair competition”.

That’s why the EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association) has always fought to get the same benefits of its competitors.

We finally made it!

Light Cannabis, a rising market

Thanks to the new PAC and the increased THC, european growers will get a lot of legal benefits; the fact that is now possible to select seeds with an increased THC percentage will compensate the difficulties coming from the weather being not always optimal for the cultivation.

World producers have lots of advantages and finally european growers too have new possibilities to boost their profits. The expansion of this industry will reverberate in the European economic growth!

Increase of THC; there’s more!

Besides the raise of THC to 0,3%, Europe decided that Light Cannabis can be considered a standard product on the market: all the steps that bring it from the producers to the final consumer are regulated and set up for improving the economic conditions, the quality of the product and strenghten its legal value.

The legislation establishes the standards for the labelling, the packaging, the cultivation and sales of Light Cannabis.

All these measures improve the industry of Light Cannabis: they positevely affect the entire european economy.

We hope you enjoyed our article about the increased percentage of THC!

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Canapa Light Blue Team!


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